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Stories of neurodiversity in adulthood.

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ADHD prescriptions increase by 42.28%

ADHD prescriptions increase by 42.28%

There's a lot of information out there that forms a narrative around ADHD and medication in Northern Ireland. This week, I'm keeping it relatively short (but highly nerdy) as I continue to work in the background on creating an online portal. After doing a bit of...

Political response to ADHD

Political response to ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is widely misunderstood, often perceived as a mental illness which has an impact exclusively on children. In fact, it is a debilitating neurodevelopmental disorder which can persist well into adulthood. The issue is further complicated by the fact that it can present in different ways....

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Healing the inner child and ADHD

Healing the inner child and ADHD

Soon after I was diagnosed with ADHD, my thoughts shifted from "that explains a lot" to one that was hard to make sense of. Like being on a train and sitting on a backward-facing seat, seeing everything in reverse and feeling dizzy, I found myself looking back at...



I feel a little numb. Two weeks ago I received a confirmed Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis. The journey to this point has been quick (or slow, depending on your outlook on life). I first approached my health insurer about my potential neurodiversity on December 13th 2023, so 125 days in...

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